The Limits of Nonsurgical Liposuction

There are all kinds of new devices that promote fat loss without liposuction – sometimes they are even branded as “nonsurgical liposuction.” And while they can be helpful for the right person, they don’t produce the same results that can be accomplished with surgery. Sometimes, they may not even be safer. Here’s why:
Letter from a Patient

I’ve always had some issues, not with the people’s beauty, nor with myself as a human being, but with my appearance. From a very young age I read all the glossy magazines and I smiled at the pictures of the ‘perfect’ beauties, the young, tall and slim top-models with amazing clothes. But I was never
New Body? Post-Liposuction Nutrient Guidelines
New Body? Post-Liposuction Nutrient Guidelines So you pulled the trigger, found a qualified, reputable liposuction doctor, and are feeling great about your new body—good for you! After making an investment in the way you look and feel, which isn’t an easy change for everyone to make, you definitely don’t want to risk losing it all
Informations sur la liposuccion
Informations sur la liposuccion Définition de la liposuccion La liposuccion se définie comme étant le retrait des dépôts graisseux présent sous la peau au moyen d’un petit tube en acier inoxydable (appelé canule) avec l’aide d’un puissant aspirateur. La liposuccion peut être faite sous anesthésie générale ou avec une sédation par intraveineuse ou encore sous
Risks of Ultrasonic Liposuction
Risks of Ultrasonic Liposuction Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction (UAL) Ultrasonic assisted liposuction (UAL) is any modified liposuction technique that delivers ultrasonic energy to subcutaneous fat in an effort to facilitate traditional negative-pressure liposuction. UAL has become less popular because of an increased awareness among liposuction surgeons that UAL is associated with increased risks of complications. The
Information über Liposuktion (Fettabsaugung) Definition von Liposuktion (Fettabsaugung) Liposuktion ist die Entfernung von Fettgewebe, das sich unter der Haut abgelagert hat, indem dies unter Einsatz einer Edelstahlröhre („Kanüle“) abgesaugt wird. Liposuktion kann entweder unter Verwendung einer Vollnarkose oder mit starker IV-Sedierung durchgeführt werden, oder auch ausschließlich unter Lokalanästhesie. Diese Website berücksichtigt die Vorteile beider
What is Liposuction?
What is Liposuction? The concept of liposuction is surprisingly simple. Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body’s contour by removing excess fat from deposits located between the skin and muscle. Liposuction involves the use of a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula (from the Latin word for reed, tube, cane). The cannula
Liposuction Gets Powered Up
Liposuction Gets Powered Up – Studies show LAL adds oomph to results Cosmetic doctors agree: Of all the body contouring options available, tumescent liposuction provides the most dramatic and effective results—for the right patients and in the right doctor’s hands. However, it is possible to enhance those results by adding laser devices to liposuction procedures.
Compression Garments –
Liposuction Compression Garments Liposuction compression garments are a functional combination of absorptive sponges and compression pads. Absorptive sponges are required for the containment of the objectionable postoperative blood-tinged drainage. Containing the drainage avoids alarming the patient and prevents staining of clothing and furniture. Complete absorption and containment of the drainage allows the patient to mobile