If you’re a stickler for perfection, then you’ll be quite intrigued by some of these top 5 spots where lipo can make a huge difference, even though these areas are often overlooked.
When we think of getting lipo, many of us pay attention to the obvious fatty areas, like the abs, thighs, or inner arms for instance. It’s these areas that make us look stunning when they’re tightly toned and kept in great shape. Nevertheless, from an outsider looking in, these areas could benefit from lipo since you’ll gain an even more attractive silhouette following the procedure.
Let’s Get Right to It:
- The Jawline – Have you ever noticed that the more you age, the more your jawline, including under your chin becomes prone to extra fat? You may long for the days when you would wake up and not have a care in the world about this previously unnoticed area of your body. Now you can with lipo! If you have the dreaded double chin following pregnancy or weight gain, and no amount of diet or exercise will shape this area, lipo, with its targeted nature, can reshape your jawline.
- The Flanks – Found in the upper torso region, you may notice bulging when wearing a lingerie or tight fitted clothing. You don’t have to settle with this extra bulging. Liposuction zaps the fat, and best of all, it won’t resurface when you maintain your ideal weight.
- The Ankles – Many of us have what’s known as “cankles” and the amount of fat around our ankles is largely determined by our genetic makeup. Yet, you can polish your look and get the stunning legs you’ve always longed for – by way of minimally invasive liposuction techniques.
- Male Breasts – Men aren’t exempt from breast issues either, since “man boobs” affect millions. To shake this image, liposuction is readily available to give you the more masculine appearance you’ve longed for.
Liposuction is more than an easy way out – it’s the smart way out of limiting your beliefs of what you could truly look like. To learn more, contact the Skin and Vein Center by calling 800-400-VEIN.